April 16, 2022 - A. V. Rauf
Hallelujah! He’s Risen……
April 17—-16th of Nissan 5782: He is Risen and Soon He is Coming Again!!!
Resurrection Day occurs in conjunction with Passover. This is the true foreshadowing and meaning of what our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ has done for all mankind. He is our Messiah, He is our Deliverer. And behold, He is soon to return.
From Creation until Abraham, was 2,000 years
From Abraham until Jesus Christ, was 2,000 years
From Jesus Christ, until today, was 2,000 years
If you area Bible prophecy student, know the the following events are all happening or have happened in our time: The emergence of Israel as a nation and the emergence of the city of Jerusalem (1948 & 1967), A revived Roman Empire (EU??) wars and rumors of war (i.e. current Russian/Ukrainian crisis), earthquakes, pestilences & famines, lawlessness, deception and false Christs, the emergence of a global digital currency (Crypto, Bitcoin, etc.), the Global push for a GREAT RESET (i.e. One World Government), Technology to control worldwide surveillance, the normalization/acceptance of perversion, and the list goes on……..
The world has conditioned the masses to think that life will just continue on as it always has. Furthermore, they largely reject the Bible’s account of man’s true history on this planet.
We don’t know how much longer the Holy Spirit will hold back His restraint. However, when the Church Age has reached its fullness, it will come to its inevitable end . At nearly 6,000 years since Creation, and nearly 2,000 since Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, the end of our age is about to end.
For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself. Philippians 3:20-21
Happy Resurrection Day to all!