• As I mentioned previously, from the very beginning, in Eden, God created humanity to rule the earth alongside Him. Genesis 1:28 — And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl […]

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  • November 19, 2020 - A. V. Rauf

    The Other Domain and the Genesis Mandate Part I

    God wants humanity to be part of His family and of His rule over creation. From the very beginning, God wanted His human family to live with Him in a perfect World— along with the family he already had in the other domain or the unseen world (His heavenly Hosts) . In the ancient world, […]

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  • August 13, 2020 - A. V. Rauf

    Mabruk AND Mazol Tov!!!

    2020 does not cease to surprise. As we press into the second half of this rather volatile and challenging year, something amazing and unheard of has just taken place. In light of what is already shaping up to be a HOT month, with several fires occurring daily worldwide and the major announcement of Democratic Presidential candidate’s running […]

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  • May 27, 2020 - A. V. Rauf

    Meanwhile Back in Israel…..

    2020 without a doubt can unequivocally be looked upon as one of the most prophetically significant years in quite some time and yet here we are only five months in as the month of June is just days away. Yes, we have witnessed a greater degree of famine, locusts, volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, rumors of war, and the […]

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  • January 27, 2020 - A. V. Rauf

    The Breaking of The Seals

    In the Book of Revelation, the Apostle John is given a series of visions and revelations (no pun intended) that describe what many Bible scholars agree to be the history of the Church in the first three chapters.This is then followed by a series of judgments that occur in Sevens: There are Seven Seals that […]

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  • January 11, 2020 - A. V. Rauf

    The War Before Gog and Magog

    As we begin this year 2020, in a previous post I had mentioned that prophetic events are accelerating at a breakneck speed and much of what the prophets of the Old Testament and Jesus Christ Himself spoke about is rapidly coming to pass. Furthermore, the Number Twenty in the Bible is associated with war. We […]

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  • January 3, 2020 - A. V. Rauf

    The Prince of Persia Rising

    Daniel 12:4-But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Jesus stated that the faithful church would know and understand the meaning of certain world events as they would occur. All end-time prophecy is […]

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  • January 1, 2020 - A. V. Rauf

    The Year 20/20: Whose Side Are You On?

    It’s been months since my last blog but as 2019 comes to a close I sensed a strong urge to get back to writing especially due to the times we are living in and the approaching Year 2020. I want to stay committed to purpose of this website which is Bible prophecy for today: to […]

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  • We are fast approaching the halfway mark of the year 2019 and much has transpired as of late. Most recently, Israel had to endure a rash wildfires coupled with an excessive heat wave in temperature as of over 1,700 fires were extinguished across Israel.  Firefighters have battled wildfires that scorched almost half of the Ben […]

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  • When you read the phrase “elephant in the room…” this isn’t implying that there actually is an elephant inside of a room. “Elephant in the room” is an English metaphorical idiom for an obvious truth that is either being ignored or going unaddressed. The idiomatic expression may also apply to an obvious situation or risk […]

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