June 3, 2015 - A. V. Rauf

The Ultimate Gamechanger

Folks, if there is any legitimacy to what you are about to read then brace yourselves because this could be it right here…….

According to Daniel P. Sheehan, a Harvard College-educated American government and foreign policy scholar, we are about to receive announcement about the ET presence very soon. And what better spokesperson to give this message then the leader of the largest single religious denomination on Earth . Could it be that the Pope now may be mobilizing for the disclosure of ET’s?

Sheehan further alleges that the Catholic Church is now actively preparing for the discovery of alien contact with a highly advanced alien species. He told of what perhaps may be an historic papal encyclical decree calling for nothing less than the disassembling of the power structures that are destroying our civilization and preventing us from joining an enlightened galactic community.  Is it possible that Pope Francis wants to position the Catholic church and the Jesuit order to be able to accept a major shift in human consciousness as a result of alien existence. Guardians of the Galaxy? Who are you???  “I’m Star Lord, man!”

Former Minsitry Of Defence Nick Pope stated the following : “It’s no secret that the Catholic Church has been repositioning themselves on this issue over the past few years. Do they know something? I doubt it. I think they’re just trying to ensure that if the scientific community announces the discovery of extraterrestrial life, the church is prepared.”

Have you ever wondered how the secular world would proceed to explain the mass disappearance of millions of people after the Rapture??

I urge you to look at these previous posts to get a Biblical understanding of what may be forthcoming in the very near future:







Bible Prophecy

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